Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Idiot Nation By John Taylor Gatto - 1537 Words

The United States is one of the best country in many areas such as technology and health care or education, but compared with other develop nations, the united states education system is still behind many country including United Kingdom, Japan, China. America’s standards of education are far lower than several other countries, because the American public education systems is less effective, students are lack of motivation to learn. According to Michael Moore, in the book Idiot Nation, and John Taylor Gatto in Against School, they argue that the education system in the United States is deeply flawed. America’s schools having a poor curriculum, many facilities are in bad conditions and lack of resources that students need to learn. The†¦show more content†¦This is one reason that materials in many school libraries today date from the 1960s and early 1970s, before funding was diverted. (p.141-142). the school library not update many new edition textbooks, sometim es we can find many earlier text books with old edition in the school library that not related to the fact that we need in classrooms. Since the new text books are more expensive so the school library budget should be increase to buy more new textbooks because outdated books will give students misinformation. I agree with the source, I think it is important for students to select what to read and what to learn to help them gain the knowledge. If they still learning from the old materials, this causes students to disengagement and impact on student effecting learning. By select of instructional materials that meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of the learning environment, student can be more actively learn. Therefore, encourage students to use the new textbooks can make them ask more questions from the books that require more critical thinking skills. Also, new information can help students develop higher thinking skill related to the fact. For example, students go be yond the textbook to study complex topics based on real-world issues, such as the recent industry in the communities or the health develop... they canShow MoreRelatedThe Degrading Quality of Education in America: Idiot Nation by Michael Moore and Against School by John Taylor Gatto996 Words   |  4 Pagesgained at school. However, in the articles, â€Å"Idiot Nation† by Michael Moore and â€Å"Against School† by John Taylor Gatto, the authors express their concerns about the degrading quality of education. There are many problems the education system is facing today, and several of them are having negative effects on the quality of the education that the students are receiving which are highlighted aptly by the effective use of rhetorical strategies by Moore and Gatto. 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Author John Taylor Gatto say, in â€Å"Against School,† â€Å"Do we really need school?† (143). If children will not go to school, then how they will learn to read and write? Education is the act of learning things around us and helps us to understand a goal in life. Most people who believe that ones need higher education in order to succeed in life. We often don’t understand why we needRead MoreEssay about Worth of the Public Education1893 Words   |  8 PagesEducation has a tremendous impact on the human society. It begins at birth and continues until a person’s last day on earth. Human beings gain knowledge and information through education, and use them constantly throughout their lives. Leaders of nations have been thinking constantly how to educate their citizens, because of education’s role as a vital instrument in the development of an individual and society. There are different forms of education ex ist in the human society. The Most obvious one

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