Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Burger King and Mc Donalds Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Burger King and Mc Donalds - Case Study Example Realizing the importance of this Burger King has launched a donation with VISA to fund Foundation Education Program. Product Research & development and a strategy of continuous innovation: Keeping an eye on the changing consumer tastes and allocating budgets for testing of different variants helps a company keep abreast of change. This strategy was initially successful and consumers started preferring the Burger king fries. However, it was not successful in the long run due to inefficient implementation. Excellent Branding and Marketing Activities: In 1998, when Burger King launched the fries with the tag line "Decision 98: Try the Fry America" and the Free Fryday giant national giveaway eventually led to Burger King's Fries being ranked number one as compared to the Mc Donald's Fries for the first time in history. The greatest weakness of Burger King is the strength of the franchisees which on the whole does not work in favour of Burger King. The reason for this is that franchisees have formed some type of a unionized cartel and has the strength to actually steer the management's decision. Another weakness lies in the product. The procedure for making coated fries is so difficult and involves so many stages that there is no margin of error and even a small variance in the ingredients leads to spoilt taste. Vision: Burg External Analysis: Opportunities Vs Threats The increase in per capita consumption of fries from 6 pounds to seven pounds is an opportunity in itself which Mc Donald's has made use of but Burger King could not capitalize on it. Threats The greatest threat is entry of competition. In the last few decades One Potato Two Potato has become very strong in

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Bipolar Disorder - Essay Example Experts have been unable to define a specific cure for bipolar disorder. However, certain agents are commonly used in managing the condition. Patients experiencing depression may rely on antidepressants such as Lexapro and Prozac. Usually, antidepressants have the capacity to increase the activity of the brain cells. In other cases, patients may rely on anti-manic agents when experiencing the manic episodes. However, anti-manic drugs are combined with lithium, an agent that prevents the recurrence of the different episodes. Researchers have highlighted that genetic factors contribute to the development of bipolar disorder. Certain factors that trigger the development of bipolar disorder may be inherited by the offspring from parents. Parents with the condition are likely to pass it to their children at a 25% probability. Neurochemical factors also contribute to the development of bipolar disorder. Specifically, neurotransmitters in certain parts of the brain may fail to function in t he normal way. In other cases, psychological factors may alter the functioning of neurotransmitters. Environmental factors such as traumatic events occurring in the early stages of life may also contribute to the development of bipolar disorder (Parachin, 2014). Notably, there are existing barriers to the treatment and management of bipolar disorder. The fact that there is no specific medication for the condition that works in every individual is one of the outstanding barriers.